Defend your checks, bank account and identity from the effects of fraud for up to ONE FULL YEAR with FraudArmor for only $2.70 per pack of personal checks or $0.04 per business check. Features include: funds advancement up to $25,000 within 72 hours of valid request, check order replacement, document replacement, and more. PLUS - receive early warnings of potential fraud with Internet Monitoring of your credentials, such as driver's license and credit card numbers. Internet Monitoring is an optional, no cost feature that requires activation.

FraudArmor assists individuals and businesses with any of the following identity theft events:

  • Check Fraud
  • Account Fraud
  • Medical Fraud
  • Insurance Fraud
  • Credit Card Fraud
  • Phone & Utilities Fraud
  • New Credit Fraud
  • Loan Fraud
  • Electronic Funds Fraud
  • Government Benefits Fraud
  • Employment Related Fraud
  • Tax Fraud

If you are victimized by fraud or identity theft, you will also receive free credit monitoring and periodic contact from one of our professional Resolution Specialists for a full year after the fraud event.

For more details, full terms & conditions, and to activate your Internet Monitoring visit Certain restrictions apply.